as the rules stated, activity is once a month. if you join before the middle of the month you are expected to update during that period. if you see a ✓ next to your name then you have completed the activity requirement. a one part of your activity is missing. hover over the open circle to find out what it is. A means you joined after the middle of the month and are exempt from the activity check. EXT indicates an extension, hover over for the date it is due.
current activity period: june 3rd-june 30th
Adam Lazzara
Adam Senn
Bradley Walden
Charlie Day
Charlie Hunnam
Chris Pratt
Daniel Bederov
Dylan O'brien
Ed Sheeran
Eddie Redmayne
Harry Styles
Jared Leto
✓Jonny Craig
Justin Beiber
✓ Kevin Skaff
Kit Harington
Louis Tomlinson
Nick Robinson
Philippe Leblonde
Rafael Lazzini
Ryan Gosling
Sebastian Stan
Simon Amstell
Tilian Pearson
Thomas Davenport
Alysha Nett
Amanda Seyfried
Amy Adams
Ashley Benson
Barbara Palvin
Cailin Russo
Caity Lotz
Candice Swanepoel
Debby Ryan
Elizabeth Olsen
Ellie Goulding
Elsa Hosk
Emilia Clarke
Eliza Dushku
Hailey Baldwin
Isabelle Cornish
Jenna Coleman
Jessica Alba
Lauren Cohan
Lzzy Hale
Oona Chaplin
Perrie Edwards
Ruby Rose
Saraya-Jade Bevis
Selena Gomez
Shay Mitchell
Sophia Turner
Taylor Swift
Willa Holland