basic rules apply here. be nice, don't cross the ooc/ic line, don't push people around and treat everyone else with respect. this is non-negotiable. we want this game to be fun and are relying on you to help out with this.
general game info
for the time being we are putting the limit at three characters. you need to be active with the first one for a month before bringing in a second, and another month of being active with the first and second before bringing in a third. pb's must be within five years of your characters age. we are not allowing characters under the age of 18 or pb's under the age of 18.
journals and aim
journals must be in character and contain no underscores or numbers. aim names are optional but we do recommend them as they are a good source of interaction. however, we are requiring you have an ooc contact post. you are required to keep your friends list up to date
activity is monthly with a two day extension if needed. this is a long time frame so we are expecting people to be able to make it within the time frame. we are going to give you a couple ways of meeting the activity check. we want this to be a creative place and interactive place.
public entry entries of 300 words or more of original content will count for activity. these can be on any subject you wish them to be. people must be able to comment them and we need to see you replying to the comments that people made.
private/narrative/threads private entries and narratives of at least 300 words or more will be counted as activity. threads must have at least three replies from each person in the thread to be counted. on top of this, you must post at least once within a community to make up the public part of your activity.
graphics post this can be instagram, outfit of the week, or anything else your mind can think of. at long as it is more than a single picture. we need to see that you put effort into this. on top of this, you must post at least once within a community to make up the public part of your activity. this option cannot be used two months in a row.
community activity we understand sometimes it is hard to write a big old entry with the addition of real life, this is why we are introducing the ability to use the public communities as an update. if you post at least four different times in the month, and reply to the comments, this will be used as your activity. this option can not be used two months in a row.